What is the equipment used for?
EMF Meters- An EMF meter is an instrument used to read changes in electromagnetic
fields. It is widely accepted that the energy associated with paranormal activity can cause EMF readings that cannot
be explained.
Digital Voice Recorder-A digital voice recorder is used for many reasons.
They can be used for interviews, our notes and thoughts, as well as collecting EVP or electronic voice phenomenon.
IR Non-Contact Thermometer-This piece of equipment is used to read changes in
temperature that can be related to paranormal activity.
Motion Sensor-Motion sensors are typcially placed in areas where there are no
claims of paranormal activity. They will send out a chime when something passes by. This can help alert us to
further investigate an area where there could be paranormal activity.
Digital Cameras or 35mm Camera-Cameras are used to help document the investigation.
They can help us with the layout of the house, as well photographing anomalies.
Video Cameras-Video cameras give us a constant recording of video and audio during
an investigation, Upon review, we may find anomalies not seen at the time of the investigation.
2-Way Radios-These radios are used for communication within the team.
Other equipment we may bring along:
Extra Batteries
Extra Video Cassette Tapes